During the educational event promoted by the engineering company RAMSE, held in Torino, Italy, on October 21th 2022, the Politecnico di Torino research team headed by professor Massimo Santarelli, showcased the REMOTE project as a success case for P2P low
STC meets innovators
On on october 7th the STC meets innovators was the opportunity to share the competence of Politecnico di Torino researchers on fuel cell, electolyzers and renewables. REMOTE is among the research fields of activity, as discussed during the presentation of
A New REMOTE Demo in the Canary Islands
The Consortium strengthens its competence with three Spanish partners: Inycom, ITC e Capisa A new installation and a change in the design of the international Consortium are the focus of the news inside the REMOTE project. The EU funded project
REMOTE is among the finalists for the EU Sustainable Energy Week CITIZENS’ AWARD!
The EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW) Awards’ competition recognizes the year’s top sustainable energy projects in the categories of Engagement, Innovation and Youth. REMOTE is among the finalists! Until June 15th, there is the chance to vote for the selection
Engie role on DEMO 2 of Remote project
ENGIE Eps ITALY – operates in the sustainable energy sector, specializing in storage solutions and micro-grids that enable intermittent renewable sources to be transformed into a stable power source. In this Video, Matteo Verdun-Project Manager of ENGIE explains the role of the company in
Remote at FCH JU review days
FCH JU review days are held in Bruxelles on November 18th and 19th 2019. REMOTE is part of the event in the session Fuel Cell Applications for Energy, trials and deployment, with a presentation about the project developments by Prof.
REMOTE DEMO4 fuel cell has been started!
The BallardEurope fuel cell system for the REMOTE project DEMO 4, currently located in Tours (France) at the Powidian premises for assembling and testing, has started producing its first kWh in these days! The power-to-power system for the DEMO 4,
EFCF 2019
REMOTE is at EFCF 2019 held in Lucerne, Switzerland on July 2-5 2019. The oral presentation is for July 5 at 10.30 inside the “A13: Electrolyser & FC for Grid Balancing” session focusing on: “REMOTE project: techno-economical sizing of H2-based
The Remote Infographic in online!
Discover the functioning of Remote project downloading the that shows the details of the energy supplying and storage. The different approaches are defined demo by demo on the base of renewable resources available and territory character. Download the REMOTE infographic
Isolated off-grid places? Have a look of the REMOTE demo
Pictures will be updated with all the improvements about the installations. Don’t miss it and have a look to the Gallery.