Is Bernhard Kvaal, head of development at TrønderEnergi the professional expert awarded by the hydrogen prize 2021. The prize is the answer to the successe of DEMO Norway, settled in Rye, whose results were presented on october 7, 2021. Hydrogenprisen
A scientific article about Demo Norway
A long overview on Demo Norway on the website Gemini. The scientific article, in norwegian, explains the operation and the strategic importance of the demo, which is the world’s first autonomous micro grid with hydrogen as energy storage. The article
REMOTE 2021 interviews: the new session starts with TrønderEnergi
Is Bernhard Kvaal, TrønderEnergi head of development, to open the new session of interviews focused on REMOTE last developments. The focus is on the great results of DEMO Norway, which is a successfull case history of REMOTE’ application on the