It’s online the Remote webinar by SINTEF (Dr. Miguel Muñoz Ortiz) held on July 6th online. Watch it!
The final workshop at Ecos23 is on youtube!
It’s online the full registration of the Remote final workshop at Ecos 2023. In Las Palmas the project partners presented the results of the demos. Watch it!
SINTEF Webinar on HyOpt tool – 6 July 2023
A REMOTE webinar on techno-economic assessment of remote energy systems is also coming! SINTEF organizes this new important opportunity for study and dissemination, with the support of Politecnico of Torino. The webinar is entitled “Using open tools for Techno Economic
A round table in Gran Canaria: 27 june 2023
The Remote partner Instituto Tecnológico de Canarias organizes a round table entitled “Innovative perspectives for hydrogen applications in off-grid and remote communities: the experience from the Remote project”. The appointment is for June 27th ay 9.30 in Santa Lucia, Gran Canaria,
The Remote final event within Ecos 2023: 29 june 2023
The Ecos (Efficiency, cost, optimization, simulation and environmentali impact of energy systems) international conference will host the Remote final workshop, entitled “Decarbonising off-grid and remote communities through hybrid hydrogen-battery storage systems: the experience from the Remote project”. . The event
Last partner meeting focusing on the next stages for the Demos
On 2nd February a partner meeting took place, remotely. It was the last one before the closure of the project scheduled for this summer. The partner shared the latest techincal results of the experimentation in Demo Spain, Demo Greece and
Dissemination activities from Demo Spain
Last Novembrer Inycom, one of the main partner involved in the project of the Demo Spain in Canary Islands, joined an important virtual meeting: the Consultation Workshop on Energy – KDT JU-s Focus Topic. Marcos Rubio, R&D director at Inycom,
Remote at Ramse educational
During the educational event promoted by the engineering company RAMSE, held in Torino, Italy, on October 21th 2022, the Politecnico di Torino research team headed by professor Massimo Santarelli, showcased the REMOTE project as a success case for P2P low
Remote is part of the “La Ricerca del Futuro” documentary
Remote is part of a broad communication project of the Italian Representative of the European Commission called “The Future’s Research” – La Ricerca del Futuro – focused on the european actions in the field of climate change and environmental protection.
STC meets innovators
On on october 7th the STC meets innovators was the opportunity to share the competence of Politecnico di Torino researchers on fuel cell, electolyzers and renewables. REMOTE is among the research fields of activity, as discussed during the presentation of